Join me for the monthly Fusion Bellydance workshop at KIT Studios. Every workshop has a different theme, offering you a dedicated practice on specific skills and techniques.

All Levvels

Coming workshops

  • Saturday 19th of april 11.00-13.00

Hips don’t lie! In this workshop we will be working on different variations of hip movements. Broadening your skills and diversifying your bellydance moves while providing you a fun and intense workout. We will end this 2 hours class with a spicy choreography.

  • 31th of May 13.00-15.00

Time for upper work! Get ready to learn a whole new repertoire of beautiful and fun upperwork combinations. Think of fluid chest moves, snake arms and sensual hand movements. Like all our workshops we will end with a fun choreography that will bring all newly learned elements together.

  • Saturday 28th of June 13.00-15.00

    Bring your dancing skills to the next level! In our last workshop of this block we will work on layering: combining multiple movements in different parts of the body simultaneously, creating a fluid effect. Learn how to isolate different muscle groups and have them move independently, yet in sync with one another to add depth and complexity to your dance. Expect lots of technique and fun drill combo’s!


KIT Live Studios
Linnauesstraat 2, 1092 CK
1092 CK Amsterdam

Single Workshop: 35 euro’s
Package Deal All Workshops: 95 euro’s

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